November 6, 2016

Welcome to
Zion Christian Fellowship
November 6, 2016

9:30 Song Leader…………Steve Kaufman

9:45 Devotions……………Tim Byler

10:00 Sunday School
Text: Mark 6:6

Announcements…………..Joe Schmucker
Message……………………Harvey Kaufman


Offering last Sunday: $1030.00
Offering Today: School
Next Sunday: Building Fund

Sunday evening: No Service

Wednesday evening: No cell groups

Host family today: Jon & Mary Beth Rhodes
Next Sunday: Jonas Wagler’s
Tuesday, Nov. 8: Soup Kitchen: Contact Dorothy for details…

Tuesday, Nov. 8: Parent/teacher fellowship @ 7:00 p.m.
School will dismiss @ noon for afternoon conferences…
Please call Miss Byler to set up your appointments…

Thursday, Nov. 10: Sister’s sewing…Hot dish will be provided

School devotions on Monday: Laban Kaufman
School devotions on Monday, Nov. 14: Dan Lapp
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, November 9: Mrs. Kathryn Byler (Wm)
Saturday, November 12: Lydia Kaufman

Pray For:
Freeman Byler family (in Kenya)
Jonathan Miller (N. Dakota)
The Landis family
Monroe Landis (at Fresh Start)
Luke Byler (salvation)
Arie Schmucker (healing)
Paul, Emily, & Jared (at Faith Builders)
Amanda Coblentz (in NYC)
Sheila VanPelt’s mother, Sally Shaum (having open heart
surgery on Monday)

Notice: The trailer for Ohio Wilderness Boys Camp Thrift
Store is parked again at Byler’s Freezer Meats…Clean out your cluttered spaces and send them to a good cause! ***************************************************
Looking Ahead:
November 2016

Church cleaners for November: Roberts & James’

Cottage Meetings: Laban Kaufman’s

November 13: Tentative date for Council Meeting in the a.m.
& Communion in p.m…

Sunday evening, November 20: Guys Mills Church will be in charge of our service…
