October 30, 2016

Welcome to
Zion Christian Fellowship
October 30,2016

9:30 Song Leader…………Steve Kaufman

No Devotions…………….

No Sunday School

Announcements and Meditation……Laban Kaufman

Message……………………….Merv Yoder (Illinois)
Commissioning service for James Miller


Offering last Sunday: $1417.00
Offering Today: Minister’s fund
Next Sunday: School

Sunday evening: No service Kenny’s are in charge of cottage meetings…Youth meet at Kenny’s by 5:30 pm

Wednesday evening: Cell groups @ 7:00

Fellowship dinner today! All are welcome to stay…
Host family next Sunday: Jon & Mary Beth Rhodes

School devotions on Monday: Mark Hershberger
School devotions on Monday, Nov. 7: Laban Kaufman

*************************************************** Happy Birthday!
Monday, October 31st Dan Lapp
Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, November 3rd William & Barb (1987)

Pray For:
Freeman Byler family (in Kenya)
Jonathan Miller (N. Dakota)
The Landis family
Monroe Landis (at Fresh Start)
Luke Byler (salvation and also needs a place to live)
Arie Schmucker (healing)
Paul, Emily, & Jared (at Faith Builders)
Amanda Coblentz (in NYC)

Looking Ahead:
November 2016

Church cleaners for November: Roberts & James’

Cottage Meetings: Laban Kaufman’s
Social: Peter Cipriano’s

Soup kitchen…Contact Dorothy Mullet if you are able to help…
November 13: Tentative date for Council Meeting in the AM and Communion in pm…
