- I (Name of Applicant) acknowledge that I have surrendered my heart and allegiance to Jesus Christ and have experienced the reality of being born again as defined by Jesus in John 3:3.
- I commit myself by the grace of God, to living in the spirit of Christ as illustrated in Philippians 2;7-8 (where he humbled himself, and became a servant) – To live in lowliness of mind, esteeming others better than myself. Philippians 2:3
- I commit myself to pursuing the overall well being of the local church body, in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 10:23-24. I also commit myself to pursuing things that are expedient and things that edify above my own personal rights and freedoms. Romans 15:2-3
- I commit myself, by the grace of God, to a life of personal integrity, honesty, and accountability, and if there is failure on my part, I will voluntarily expose and confess my sin to God and be accountable to another member of the body of Christ, and will also accept the admonition or correction of others within the local church body.
- I commit myself to using the gifts that I have been given by God to benefit the church body, and will exercise those gifts to the best of my ability, as needed in the church body, and for the glory of God.
- I understand that as a disciple of Jesus Christ, I have been called and enabled to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit and by the grace of God I commit myself to reflecting his nature and character to all people, within the church as well as to the unbelieving and unchurched.