- We agree that the proper application of the headship order is for the Christian man to take seriously the Biblical commandment to be a Christ-like leader in the home and congregation and for the woman to complement him as his helper as “heirs together of the grace of life.”
- We agree that the personal appearance of true disciples of Christ must present a clear witness to Biblical teachings in such matters as modest apparel, gender distinctions, and simplicity. We agree to refrain from all decorative jewelry, the wedding band, and any makeup that alters the natural appearance.
- *We agree that men should be leaders in displaying a lifestyle in conduct and appearance that illustrates Christian values and principles. All shirts are to have sleeves and pants need to be full length and modest in design and style. Dress suit coat is to be the straight cut coat. No ties or tuxedos.
- *Women should wear a modest cape-style dress of sufficient length (approximately mid-calf) that is not tight or form fitting with sleeves of standard T-shirt sleeve length or longer. Fabric for all clothing to be modest in print and texture and reflect the characteristic of feminine beauty.
- *Writing on clothing for both men and women should primarily be for business or faith related.
- Children should be dressed by the same principles as adults.
- In order to maintain a clear witness, we believe the men should have short hair and unveiled head. The best application of the Biblical requirement of long hair for the sisters is “natural length.” We also agree that the best application of the headship ordinance is that the sisters wear their veiling as part of their regular attire. Sisters’ veilings are to be white and opaque, sufficient in size and to cover their “put -up” hair. No doilies. Cap style coverings to be comparable in size to veilings.
- Weddings are to be in keeping with Christian principles and in accordance with ZCF position and policy statement.
- We agree that remarriage after divorce is outside of the will of God and thus unacceptable. A second marriage, with a former spouse still living, constitutes a state of adultery requiring repentance and separation.
- We agree that God’s gift of sex is to be reserved only for marriage. All forms of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and pornography are sinful perversions.
- The purpose of courtship is to prepare for marriage in the Lord. Prayer and counsel from parents and pastors is strongly advised. All forms of carnality in physical contact should be strictly avoided.
- The Bible teaches Christians to practice good stewardship in every area of life, including material possessions and use of our time. Moderation, not prestige, should govern our decisions in purchases. We should exercise financial responsibility in living within our means and paying our debts.
- In our post-Christian world, it is all too easy to slip into a pattern of neglect in personal spirituality. We encourage daily commitment to the Lordship of Christ and regular attendance at church services. All members are expected to participate in such things as mission programs, cell group meetings, church offices, and other church-related activities.
- Members transferring from other churches of like faith and practice are expected to have a time of proving of approximately six months from the time they make application for membership. Proving members may participate in communion but not hold any elected offices or have voice in church counsel until full membership. Regular attendees of like faith and practice who are not members may participate in communion one time as a visitor before applying for church membership. Baptismal applicants and those unfamiliar with our faith and practice will go through a time of instruction and teaching before receiving membership.
- Significant changes in church policy to be made by members in good standing and should have 70% support to carry unless otherwise stated for specific or unusual reasons.
- Our society is enamored with sports. The follower of Jesus will avoid over involvement, either as participants or spectators.
- We recognize that media in general is not neutral. Our society’s media is primarily controlled by those with less-than-Christian standards. Any form of media, regardless of the device, that is used in a way that violates Christian principles is to be strictly avoided. TV not permitted. Brethren, and especially fathers, are to lead by example in this area and to take responsibility for those in their care.
- We ask that all members who participate in or benefit from any brotherhood aid programs or attend Bible schools or service units etc, when the policies differ from ZCF position and policy, that they honor the people, regulations and by-laws of that program.
*We acknowledge that the aforementioned guidelines relating to a dress code are not the only way to live out these values and principles. But in the spirit of Christian brotherhood and to minimize the potential for the distractions of excessive self expression we at ZCF choose to live out these principles as it relates to conduct and appearance in this manner.