We believe:
- That God is the almighty, all-wise, omnipresent, eternal, and unchanging triune God of the Bible: infinite in holiness, justice, mercy, and love. God the Father is provident, sovereign, and the author of our salvation through Christ. He created all things and reigns over all. God the Son, Jesus Christ, left the glories of heaven, lived on earth as a sinless man, died on the cross, and rose again for the salvation of all mankind. God the Holy Spirit, proceeds from the Father and the Son, indwells the heart of every believer, and gives power over sin.
- That God created all things visible and invisible. He prepared and populated the earth, heavens, and seas in six days. Later, because of the sinfulness of mankind, He destroyed the earth through a worldwide flood, while saving righteous Noah and his family in the ark. God still governs and preserves his creation through His wisdom and might today.
- That the first parents of mankind, Adam and Eve, fell into sin through disobedience to God, were banished from the Garden of Eden, and became spiritually separated from God. Because of this sin, man became a mortal being and death entered into the world. Man is saved from spiritual and eternal death through repentance and believing in Jesus and His finished work on Calvary. True salvation is evidenced and followed by water baptism, a life of repentance, and becoming a member of a local congregation as a part of the greater body of Christ. All who believe in Christ look for His soon return to take the church, His bride, home for all eternity.
- That the Holy Bible is inspired by God; inerrant in the original documents, and valid for all times. Jesus is central in the message of all the Scriptures. The doctrine and instruction of the New Testament is the final rule of life for the believer in the Kingdom of God.
- That God, at creation, has established that marriage is only between one man and one woman and is binding until dissolved by death. God established unique roles for man and woman, with man being given the responsibility of leadership. This order is symbolized by the short hair and uncovered heads of men, and the long hair and covered heads of women.
- That, as the Bride of Christ, we are called to live holy lives guided by transformed minds, refusing to be shaped by the influences, principles, and practices of the Godless world.
- That there are two kingdoms: the kingdom of Christ and His church, and the kingdom of this world. Our primary allegiance is to the kingdom of Christ. We honor civil authorities, pay taxes, pray for our rulers, live obediently and peaceably, and abstain from political involvement, demanding our rights, warfare, and unequal alliances with unbelievers. We practice nonresistance in our daily lives, as taught and demonstrated by Christ and the apostles. In matters where we are unable to defer to both kingdoms, we choose loyalty to the kingdom of Christ, while maintaining our attitude of honor and respect.